Our Identity

The ethos and commitment of SEND sierra Leone is to improve the quality of lives throughout the country.


Promotion of good governance, voice, accountably basic services and equality for women and men in Sierra Leone


A Sierra Leone where people’s rights and well-being are guaranteed

Core Values

We believe in the potential of PEOPLE to champion their own development, characterized by:
- Equality of women and men
- Openness and accountability


Development is a human right that provides men and women with equal opportunity to actively participate in and contribute to the political, economic and social transformation of their communities.


Promotion of good governance, voice, accountably basic services and equality for women and men in Sierra Leone


A Sierra Leone where people’s rights and well-being are guaranteed.

Core Values

We believe in the potential of PEOPLE to champion their own development, characterized by:

- Equality of women and men

- Openness and accountability


Development is a human right that provides men and women with equal opportunity to actively participate in and contribute to the political, economic and social transformation of their communities.

Top Stories

"The WISE project has instilled pride in all of us. We are a registered group that is recognised legally by the council with the help of SEND Sierra Leone. The creation and ownership of bank accounts to help manage the money we receive from SEND and earn from our businesses has exposed us to banking and this is helping us manage our finances better."


Forcing a

"The business training has helped me solve business challenges and grow my business. When I received the business support funds from the WISE project, I used the knowledge I had acquired from the training sessions to diversify my business from cultivating a small farm to setting up a tailoring shop that produces a wide range of clothes."

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