Hawa Ansumana

"Hawa Ansumana – Baiima, Mandu chiefdom"

Picture above: Hawa Ansumana, member of the health insurance scheme in Baiima, Mandu chiefdom

Picture above: Hawa’s sister who successfully underwent the Caesarian operation with the loan from the Health Insurance Scheme

Hawa is a 29 years old student of the Bunumbu Teachers College pursuing Teaching Certificate. She is very industrious and is involved in various activities. She is a farmer, a volunteer community teacher and a student

She was a member of the “Mama Dae Cam micro finance loan scheme” under the IAPG and was introduced to the Health Insurance scheme in September 2019 and has benefitted greatly from the loans disbursed under the scheme. She has received several loans to finance herself through school, take care of herself and siblings and also farming activities.

Whilst on her distance learning in Bunumbu about 26 miles from Baiima via Daru in early 2020, she was informed of her sister’s due delivery through caesarian operation which costs One million Leones. She had saved 300,000 Leones and was supported with a loan amount of 600,000 Leones to help cater for the medical bills and purchase the needed medication. Luckily, her sister and the baby survived the operation.

Picture above: Hawa’s sister who successfully underwent the Caesarian operation with the loan from the Health Insurance Scheme

“I was very happy I was able to save my sisters life with the loan I received. This scheme has helped us foster cordial relationships with other women, we don’t only save and loan each other but we also show concern to ourselves especially when we don’t see a sister attending meeting. We ensure we find out her situation and this has made us realize that we are our sisters’ keeper. Infact this has inspired me to become a leader in my community!” Hawa emphatically added

Hawa’s plan is to contest to be a councilor in the forthcoming 2023 elections and she is very confident that when she finally decides to run, she will have the full support of the women and other community residents. She appeals to other women to join this health insurance scheme as a way of not only benefiting health wise but to foster and strenghten unity among women. “I appeal to all (community members especially women) to take this health scheme very serious as it creates a platform for women to discuss their burning issues and address them together. I say endless thanks to Irish Aid, Christain Aid and SEND Sierra Leone for this brilliant initiative. Hawa expressed.