Strengthening Community Led Accountability to Improve Service Delivery(SABI)


Strengthening Community Led Accountability to Improve Service Delivery(SABI)

Project Fact Sheet

Christian Aid

Project Implementing Partner:

SEND Sierra Leone

Project Location:

Western Area Rural District and the Eastern province of Sierra Leone.


Project Budget:

Project Thematic Areas:


Contact details and contact

Joseph Ayamga,

Country Director

SEND Sierra Leone

Road, Kenema,

Sierra Leone

Project Problem

  • - Lack of accountability in health service delivery healthcare providers.
  • - Poor quality of healthcare service by healthcare providers.
  • - Lack of public awareness on safe healthcare practices.
  • - Lack of adequate healthcare structures and the lack of trust between communities and institutions.
  • Project Solution

    Creating & Facilitating Citizen Feedback

    Strengthening the citizens’ voice and interaction by creating and facilitating citizen feedback forums and platforms with service providers to discuss and share ideas.

    Healthcare Services

    Educating citizens on the healthcare services available and their right to access healthcare services.

    Improvement Of Healthcare Services

    Encourage the formulation of indigenous solutions to improve accountability in the provision of healthcare services

    Focus On Gender & Minority

    Focus on gender and minority inclusion to help increase their access to healthcare services.

    Target Beneficiaries

  • - Citizens in the western area and eastern provinces of Sierra Leone
  • - Women, children and other minority groups such as PWDs
  • Read Project Report