Community Empowerment To Participate
In Health Service Deliver Appreciate,
Learn And Transfer(SALT) Approach

Due to decades of war and the Ebola epidemic, Sierra Leone’s health and education infrastructure are limited to urban areas. Inhabitants in rural areas do not without access to quality health and education infrastructure and as such do not receive healthcare services and are mostly illiterate. Healthcare providers are also without the requisite training to engage patients effectively and are unable to handle complex health situations leading to worsening of health issues in the communities. Also due to lack of education and societal stereotypes, rural communities are unable and receive in some cases healthcare services.

SEND Sierra Leone is committed to the construction and equipping of healthcare facilities to a standard capable of handling healthcare issues in the community. SEND Sierra Leone with its partners will train healthcare providers and educate the public on personal and community health to help them improve their health.

Project Fact Sheet

Donor: GIZ

Project Implementing Partner:

Project Location:

9 months

Project Budget:
€ 100,000

Project Thematic Areas:
Community Empowerment to participate in Service Delivery.

Contact details and contact persons:
Joseph Ayamga,
Country Director,
SEND Sierra Leone
8 Morigbeh Street, Reservation Road, Kenema,
Sierra Leone

Project Problem

• Poor quality of healthcare service by healthcare providers
• Lack of public awareness on safe healthcare practices
• Lack of adequate healthcare structures and the lack of trust between communities and institutions
• Due to traditional stereotypes accessing healthcare is difficult.


• Focusing on changing the mindset of the community so that they question their roles and responsibilities to allow them to adapt and create indigenous solutions for their challenges.

• Integration of the community in decision making.

• Increase the capacity of the community to enable them to take advantage of their assets to develop their own community through forums.

Target Beneficiaries

• Rural Communities

SEND Sierra Leone is a non-governmental organization duly registered in the Republic of Sierra Leone with a vision to contribute to a Sierra Leone where people’s rights and well-being are guaranteed. SEND Sierra Leone is part of a West African structure with a headquarters in Ghana and offices in Liberia and Sierra Leone. SEND Sierra Leone’s portfolio includes community development, WaSH, health, nutrition, agriculture and women's empowerment. Intervention areas are in the districts of Kailahun, Kenema, Kono, Western Areas Urban, and Rural districts and more recently, the district of Bonthe.

8 Morigbeh Street, Reservation Road,
Kenema,Sierra Leone
+232 728 068 53
Monday-Friday: 08.00am - 5.00pm

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